Quinn's Old Images (off-line)

Back to Quinn's Corner

The time has come. We've overflowed our modest space allocation with our ISP. So, some of the older image sheets have been removed. Here is an index of the removed images (I've left all the thumbnails on-line). If there are any pictures that you've just gotta have, send me an email and I'm sure we can arrange something

Quinn's First Outing

On Sunday, 4 April 1999, Quinn had his first outing when we drove out to Concord to celebrate Easter with the family.

The Bris

Quinn's bris was on 7 April 1999, when he was given his Hebrew name Ya'Ari Shimri.

Mother's Day

Quinn was born just in time to sneak in his first mother's day at just a month old. Here are a few pictures from the morning.

A Grab Bag

We finally developed some of the early photos we took of Quinn with an old-fasioned chemical camera. Here are some older images from Quinn's first month, along with an ancient find from almost 35 years ago.

July's Outings

July has been a big month for Quinn. There are a couple of pictures here from the SRS company picnic, but the main attraction this month is Quinn's big trip back East with mom! Here's a dozen new pictures.

Quinn's Fifth Month

It's been a while since I've updated Quinn's page. Here are some pictures from early September, when Quinn's grandparents Larry & Susan came out for a visit.

You can email us at casematt@tsoft.com
This page last updated 14 May 2000.