With Holden, we turned again to the able, steady hands of Dr. Fred Kogen to discharge Matt's ritual obligation of the Brit Milah. For background on the ceremony (also called a Bris), see his website, www.eBris.com.
Holden was given the Hebrew names Re'ah Amidror, after Matt's grandmother Ruth Weinberger, and Casey's grandmother Frances Inman.
The name Ruth comes from the Hebrew feminine name Rut, meaning "friendship." Translating this to a masculine name, we found Re'ah, meaning "friend, comrade, fellow." We know that you will be a great friend to many lucky souls throughout your years; our hope in giving you Mama's name is that you may also inherit some of your namesake's overflowing enthusiasm for life and living.
The name Frances means "Free One". There are several Hebrew names
with similar meanings. The one we chose for you, Amidror, means "my
nation is free." And while we're confident you'll grow to cherish your
freedom, our hope in naming you after Grandma is that you may have
some of her strength to always say or do what you believe is right.